Thursday, June 14, 2007

General Observations about the Summaria

A comparison of the amount of space devoted to each biblical book in the Summaria with the space devoted to that book in the German Bible elicits the following observations:

•Ratio of NT to OT text in a Bible = 1:3 .
Ratio in the Summaria = 1:1
• Material seen as of less theological value is omitted (e.g. genealogies, building programs)
• Material with problematic theology or great difficulties in interpretation may also be omitted (e.g. James, Revelation)
• As for synoptic material, the first book is treated most extensively and cross references are used in later books
• Pedagogical concerns are critical
• Additional and confessional factors also were important (e.g. the decision to insert Luther’s work on Psalms)

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